Course Fee:
75 or register before June 1st to receive a 10% discount!
(via Zoom)
1663 Mission Street, Ste. 602, S.F.
Dates, Times & Instructors:
Saturday, June 7th from 1:00 - 3:00pm PT
Lisa Lerner

Write a Fabulous Beginning with Lisa Lerner

Saturday, June 7th | Once there was a writer who had one chance to convince a publisher that they had written an amazing story. But all the publisher wanted to see was an elusive beast. “If you capture for me this rare creature, for the next eighteen months I will risk all that I hold dear as I invest my time and energy and reputation in you! Also, 200 of my employees will do the same! Now, show me the elusive beast!” Hello, STAKES.

Essentially, this long-shot fairy tale is what happens when you submit your novel for publication. And yet many writers don’t really understand what a publisher wants. Because (surprise) writing and storytelling are not the same beast. Writing gorgeous sentences is one animal. Telling a story with suspense and stakes is another. Great writers do both–and you can too. In this workshop you’ll examine and revise the beginning of your novel to help you blend beautiful prose and tight, consequential plot to create the highly-prized elusive beast of a novel that sells.

We’ll examine short excerpts of great novels, movies, children’s books, journalism, and personal anecdotes to level up your writing with relatable characterization, deep emotion, hair-raising conflict and tension, and big themes that will compel readers to keep reading. There will be brainstorming and writing to prompts, and you will learn some concrete strategies to whip your novel’s beginning into shape.

If possible, bring the first 5 pages of your novel in progress. Or bring an idea for a novel you want to write. This class is for all levels and genres.

Optional add-on: Receive written feedback on your query letter and the first five pages of your novel. Please purchase at time of registration for this class, and query letter and first five pages are both due within 30 days of class.

Course Fee:
75 or register before June 1st to receive a 10% discount!
(via Zoom)
1663 Mission Street, Ste. 602, S.F.
Dates, Times & Instructors:
Saturday, June 7th from 1:00 - 3:00pm PT
Lisa Lerner
Register Now