Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
This month's Grotto Night at the Library features a special Women's History Month theme with Audrey T. Williams, Nina Schuyler, Jenny Bitner and Ethel Rohan writing about mothers and daughters.
This event is hosted and curated by , Sharon Coleman, and Rooted & Written. Rooted & Written is the first tuition-free professional creative writing program offered for BIPOC writers in the USA.
Lyrics & Dirges is a monthly reading series that features a mix of prominent, emerging and beginning writers. Its aim is to highlight various forms of writing in an effort to spotlight the diverse literary community that lives in the Bay Area. Every last Wednesday of the month at Pegasus Books Downtown.
Take some time for your writing this winter with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Join The Writers Grotto for the latest in our Words and Stories series at Salesforce Park, featuring JD Beltran and Samantha Schoech, led by Janine Kovac.
Wednesdays, April 2nd - May 7th | This strategy- and information-packed workshop is open to writers of any genre who are planning to apply for a literary grant, fellowship, scholarship, or a national or international writers' residency opportunity in 2025 or 2026.
This workshop will cover:
*The dreaded Project Statement, Work Plan, or Goals and Objectives question
*How to demonstrate a rising trajectory (remembering that most people who are awarded grants are on their way up, not already there)
*Creating a professional literary CV
*Using headings and "buckets" to make your statement navigable
*How to craft clear, concise personal or "artist" statements (leave this class with a completed first draft in hand!)
*Why the marketing angle is so important
*Curating your social media profile to present yourself as a competitive applicant
Students should be computer savvy and prepared to engage in a range of hands-on activities.
Saturdays, April 5th - May 10th |In this workshop you will learn all about the world of educational publishing and how to pitch yourself as a writer for hire. We will cover typical assignments and writers guidelines, and you will receive feedback on one 500-word writing sample created in class along with a cover letter so you can start pitching yourself to publishers.
This class is mostly delivered through recordings. Each week, you will receive a 30 to 60-ish minute recording discussing educational publishing terms and examples and directions for that week’s homework assignment. Once you submit your homework, you will receive written feedback. There will be 1-2 “live” online office hours (time to be determined) for questions as well as the opportunity to email me questions throughout the week. In the recordings, you will see examples of my actual writing assignments and contracts, the feedback I was given, and how the final illustrated stories turned out. We will talk about how to understand state standards, and how to write for specific grades and reading levels. You will also learn how to locate educational publishers from their websites and other sources. One highlight of this workshop will be a guest speaker from the educational market who is open to receiving your pitches when your sample and cover letter are ready at the completion of the workshop. Note: This class will be fast and (hopefully not too) furious! Recordings will only be available for 7 days and homework MUST be submitted on time to get written feedback.
In the words of a student who took this workshop: “One of the best things is coming out with all your writing samples and cover letter ready. It was super helpful to see the stages of your assignments and how you spec different kinds of things. Many of your cheat-sheet handouts were amazing. I also loved when you went through Evelyn's site and explained how you would find and interpret job listings.”
This is a great class for people with classroom or library experience, but it’s also a great fit for anyone who has a strong desire to write for kids.
Note: This class is asynchronous except for office hours, which are held live. Recordings will be sent to students at 10:00 a.m. PT on Saturdays.
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Thursdays, April 10th - May 15th | A strong screenplay is built one scene at a time. In this course, you’ll develop the essential building blocks of your script—honing your premise, strengthening character relationships, and sharpening your story’s central dramatic question. Through a mix of craft-focused lessons, writing exercises, script analysis, and workshopping, you’ll draft and refine dynamic scenes and sequences that bring your screenplay to life. Whether you're just starting out or deep in revisions, this supportive, collaborative environment will help you push your story forward with clarity and confidence.
By the end of the course, students will have:
Students will write a logline, outline, and a minimum of three key sequences, or thirty pages.
This is a generative class in a small workshop format. Open to all levels.
Thursday, April 10th | Dive into the world of flash fiction, where every word matters and every sentence packs a punch. Welcome to the universe of micro fiction, where the power of storytelling meets the art of brevity.
In this class, you will:
Whether you aspire to craft standalone micro-stories or use this form to enrich your longer works, this course will equip you with the skills to create concise, impactful narratives that leave a lasting impression.
Thursdays, April 10th - May 15th |"Minor artists imitate, great artists steal,” T.S. Eliot once said. In this class, we’ll study the stories of James Baldwin, Carmen Maria Machado, and other writers with an eye not toward plagiarism but to gaining insight and inspiration for your own work. Each week we’ll discuss and deepen our understanding of a core element in fiction—including patterns of imagery, characterization, and plot—as exemplified by a diverse group of authors who have made a significant contribution to literature. Brief fiction exercises are offered to get you writing, and constructive feedback is given in a supportive environment. My twin goals are for you to leave with stronger skills in close reading and with new material for a story or novel. Both beginning and more advanced writers welcome.
"I've taken many writing classes over the years. One that stands out is the "Great Writers Steal:How the Work of Other Writers Can Inform and Inspire You” class taught by Laurie Ann Doyle. It's so clear that Laurie's focus is to make this class an engaging and generative experience for her students through her unique assignments--I came away with at least two solid story ideas and a way to develop future prompts through close reading." - Rowena Leong Singer
"Laurie's teaching was indispensable in my development as a writer. She taught me how to effectively self-edit, how to find freedom within constraints, and how to prepare my work for publication. I published several short stories because of her! Laurie's classes should not be missed" - Dominic Lim, author of All the Right Notes and Karaoke Queen
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Wednesdays, April 16th - May 21st | What happens when we approach writing like an experiment? Our minds are open, our writing is deep, and there is no room for writer's block or cliché ideas. Burroughs used cut-up writing, Anaïs Nin made her diary her art, and now novels are being written in hybrid forms combining poetry, criticism, footnotes—you name it. Each week we will explore different experimental styles from surrealism to postmodernism to current hybrid experiments in poetic essay and hybrid nonfiction and fiction, with examples from writers like Chris Kraus, Maggie Nelson, and Terese Marie Mailhot. We will do exercises to loosen our minds and push us in new directions with our writing. There are weekly writing prompts and in-class exercises. This class is great for beginning writers or experienced writers wanting to push their writing in new directions.
Thursdays, April 17th - May 8th| Looking for a way into creative writing? This course provides the building blocks for creating narrative. Whether you are looking to brush up on your storytelling skills or whether you have never attempted creative writing before, this class will review the foundational components of shaping short narratives and composing scene and dialogue.
Short sample readings and assignments will be due weekly. You will receive written instructor feedback on your work, and you will also have the opportunity to understand the impact of your writing through discussion and workshop. You will able given time to write and a prompt during each session.
We welcome you to an evening of readings by members of The Writers Grotto. Refreshments will be provided.
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Wednesdays, April 30th - June 4th | Do you have a short story that you don't know how to finish, or a piece of fiction that you think could be stronger, but you aren't sure how? This workshop is ideal for writers who have work in progress and are ready for feedback. Each week we will workshop two stories by students, paying attention to what stands out, and answering questions the authors have given in advance to guide our reading. We will supplement our workshop by reading and discussing published stories to deepen our understanding of the mechanics of fiction. If time allows, we we will try our hand at in-class writing prompts and share these exercises in class. By the end of the course, each student will have had the opportunity to receive feedback on their stories at least twice. All genres of fiction are welcome.
FRIDAYS, May 2nd - 23rd | Unlock the Poet Within: Transforming Tradition is a four-week workshop designed to explore how contemporary poets of color have reinvented traditional poetic forms to voice modern issues and personal experiences. Participants will delve into various forms such as sonnets, villanelles, and free verse, examining how these structures have been adapted to discuss societal themes. The class features a blend of engaging discussions, hands-on writing exercises, and interactive workshops, all aimed at expanding participants' creative boundaries and enhancing their appreciation of poetry.
Participants will achieve the following by the end of the course:
This workshop is ideal for anyone interested in poetry, especially those looking to deepen their understanding of how traditional poetic forms can serve as powerful tools for both personal expression and social commentary. Participants will leave with a broadened perspective on poetry and new skills to enhance their own writing.
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
We welcome you to an evening of readings by members of The Writers Grotto. Refreshments will be provided.
Wednesday, May 21st |Are you looking for a way to share your work with the world but have no idea where to start? Does the thought of reading your work in front of strangers terrify you? Are you a self published author looking for ways to promote your book? This class gives an overview of how to plan your perfect author event. In this class we will cover: How to plan your author event
This class is for writers of all levels, including unpublished writers.
The price of this class includes:
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Saturday, June 7th | Once there was a writer who had one chance to convince a publisher that they had written an amazing story. But all the publisher wanted to see was an elusive beast. “If you capture for me this rare creature, for the next eighteen months I will risk all that I hold dear as I invest my time and energy and reputation in you! Also, 200 of my employees will do the same! Now, show me the elusive beast!” Hello, STAKES.
Essentially, this long-shot fairy tale is what happens when you submit your novel for publication. And yet many writers don’t really understand what a publisher wants. Because (surprise) writing and storytelling are not the same beast. Writing gorgeous sentences is one animal. Telling a story with suspense and stakes is another. Great writers do both–and you can too. In this workshop you’ll examine and revise the beginning of your novel to help you blend beautiful prose and tight, consequential plot to create the highly-prized elusive beast of a novel that sells.
We’ll examine short excerpts of great novels, movies, children’s books, journalism, and personal anecdotes to level up your writing with relatable characterization, deep emotion, hair-raising conflict and tension, and big themes that will compel readers to keep reading. There will be brainstorming and writing to prompts, and you will learn some concrete strategies to whip your novel’s beginning into shape.
If possible, bring the first 5 pages of your novel in progress. Or bring an idea for a novel you want to write. This class is for all levels and genres.
Optional add-on: Receive written feedback on your query letter and the first five pages of your novel. Please purchase at time of registration for this class, and query letter and first five pages are both due within 30 days of class.
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
Take some time for your writing this spring with a series of virtual Write-Ins hosted by The Writers Grotto. Led by one the Grotto’s many talented and accomplished writers, each of the sessions below provides 60 minutes of space and guidance in which to get your creative energy flowing, generate new material, bring old material up to snuff, and just make contact with the community of writers that is the Grotto, our teachers, and our students.
Write-Ins are held on a variety of days and times to give our students the opportunity to choose a Write-In that works best for their schedule.
Cost: $25/session or $99 for a season pass!
We welcome you to an evening of readings by members of The Writers Grotto. Refreshments will be provided.
We welcome you to an evening of readings by members of The Writers Grotto. Refreshments will be provided.
We welcome you to an evening of readings by members of The Writers Grotto. Refreshments will be provided.
We welcome you to an evening of readings by members of The Writers Grotto. Refreshments will be provided.
We welcome you to an evening of readings by members of The Writers Grotto. Refreshments will be provided.
Editing on consultation on nonfiction book manuscripts.
A dramaturgical script consultant can function in several ways. Depending on the project we function as a literary, historical, or artistic advisor as you are developing your script for the stage or screen.
Consultations can look multiple ways. For example, perhaps you just need 1-2 script meetings to discuss story evolution, character development or consistency in theme. Or perhaps you need someone to comment on what is working, what feels like it is missing, and a list of questions to support development. Or perhaps you want 4 -6 session of coaching, homework, and suggestions for how to strengthen, tighten, clarify in the service of moving your script forward.
Consultation fees are developed in conversation about the project (bespoke), and begin around 150.00- 200.00 an hour.
Doug Henderson offers two levels of developmental editing:
Full Developmental Edit for $12/page. This level provides writers with a comprehensive road map that will help them hone their manuscripts for publication. This includes:
-An initial conversation about the project (via Zoom).
-Extensive page notes, including editing suggestions, margin comments and questions.
-A thorough editorial letter discussing craft and structure elements — such as theme, tension, narrative and character arcs — as well as thoughtful suggestions to strengthen your story.
-A second conversation to discuss next steps.
Read-Through Evaluation for $8/page. This level is good for writers who want broader feedback, including new writers who want early advice, or more experienced writers who seek general input, but don’t need or want detailed editing. This includes:
-An initial conversation about the project.
-Light page notes.
-A thorough editorial letter discussing craft and structure elements — such as theme, tension, narrative and character arcs — as well as thoughtful suggestions to strengthen your story.
-A second conversation to discuss next steps.
Let’s chat about how your ideas fit into a basic story structure that will lead to an engaging narrative. Send me up to 2000 words of idea or story summary prior to meeting consult. Session will take place via Zoom.
Polish your writing with Carly Stern, an award-winning independent journalist. Carly offers one-on-one consultations on all forms of narrative non-fiction, with an emphasis on writing about the self. Her work has appeared in publications including The New York Times, the Guardian US and The Washington Post.
Initial bespoke services consultation to determine the fee. Polish your prose with New York Times best-selling author Julia Scheeres.
Kate offers comprehensive developmental editing services tailored for both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts. With a keen eye for storytelling and a deep understanding of narrative techniques, Kate collaborates closely with authors to elevate their work to its highest potential.
For fiction projects, Kate provide detailed feedback on plot structure, character development, pacing, dialogue, and overall narrative coherence. She helps authors refine their storytelling techniques, ensuring that their readers are fully engaged and immersed in the world they've created.
In the realm of nonfiction, Kate specializes in organizing ideas, clarifying arguments, and refining the overall structure of the manuscript. She offer guidance on crafting compelling introductions and conclusions, maintaining a consistent tone, and ensuring that the content is engaging and accessible to the intended audience.
As every manuscript is unique, she provide bespoke services tailored to the specific needs of each author and project. Fees are determined based on the complexity, length, and scope of the work. With a commitment to professionalism and a passion for bringing out the best in every manuscript, Kate strive to help authors achieve their writing goals and create works that resonate with readers.
Initial bespoke services consultation to determine the fee.
Are you struggling to finalize a piece of science writing, whether it's an academic manuscript, article, or marketing blog? Need editorial help to make sure your message is clear and concise without losing accuracy? Jenny can help you improve your scientific content, using her unique combination of scientific and creative expertise.
Jenny Qi has a PhD in Cancer Biology from UC San Francisco and over a decade of experience in science communication spanning a range of industries, including biopharma, tech, and journalism.
This listing is for a 20-minute consultation to determine the scope of the project.
As an award-winning journalist, author, and consultant with decades of experience, I offer expert editorial consulting services at competitive rates. I write reports, policy briefs, articles, op-eds, blogs, and other materials for major national institutions and individual clients. As a veteran reporter, I also help writers develop and tell their stories for articles and book projects. First, we discuss your project and needs and how I can meet them, then I provide you with an estimate and we move forward with a simple straightforward contract. I look forward to talking with you, learning more about your project, and working together. Estimates are based on $100/hour fee. You can check out my work at www.christopherdcook.com.
Industry veteran writer-director-producer provides consulting for documentary and narrative film projects of any length and at any stage, from concept to pitch deck to rough cut to screenplay draft. Production services also available through Bay Area-based The Unscripted Company.
We will build your fictional work in a collaborative process for as long as it takes to create a whole and satisfying story. Thaisa Frank, a Pushcart Fellow, has published a novel and three collection of short stories. Her original approach, developed through teaching, addresses fiction from all cultures.
Initial bespoke services consultation to determine the fee. Laird Harrison, author of the novel Fallen Lake, provides editing and consultation services on all aspects of novel writing.
Initial bespoke services consultation to determine the fee. Laird Harrison will work with you one-on-one to improve your written communication. Laird has experience with both creative and business writing and can assist with all levels of writing.
Full-length poetry collections (45-80 pages in length).
Individual Poems up to 2 pages in length.
Folios consultation, up to 7 pages in length, with no more than 5 poems.
Chapbooks consultation (16-40 pages in length).
Got an idea for a children’s book? As the brilliant Madeleine L'Engle said, "You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grownups, then you write it for children.” In this 30-minute private Zoom consult, Lisa will give feedback on your idea to help you realize your vision and elevate your story to reach multiple audiences in today’s market. And if you don’t know what “multiple audiences” means in the kid-lit genre, that’s okay; she will tell you! Lisa’s YA crossover novel JUST LIKE BEAUTY was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year and is in pre-production as a movie. She has decades of experience writing children’s books for major publishers and regularly teaches workshops to kids and adults who want to write for kids. In her free time, she enjoys petting rabbits and eating cake. Curious cats can find out more at www.lisalerner.com
In this three-session package of Creativity Hypnosis, experienced hypnotherapist and writing coach Jenny Bitner will help you delve into the depths of your subconscious mind to awaken your imagination and overcome creative blocks. This can be customized to deal with whatever issues around writing you are experiencing. Start this journey today!
Unleash your writing potential with Jenny Bitner. As a trained hypnotherapist, coach, and writing teacher, she'll help you overcome fear and tap into your creativity. Experience a transformative hypnotic session to release barriers and claim your full potential as a writer. Take the first step today.
Initial bespoke services consultation by email to determine the fee. Katia will draw on her expertise as an award-winning longform journalist to provide written feedback on magazine pitches. Katia has written for The New Yorker, Forbes, Mother Jones, Marie Claire, The Atavist Magazine and many other publications.
Initial bespoke services consultation to determine the fee. Maw is a writing coach and editor for poets. Maw has many years of experience as an educator, author, and editor. She teaches in the MFA Program at the University of San Francisco and is the inaugural poet laureate of El Cerrito, CA. You can learn more about her at mawsheinwin.com.